Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Go Go Elite Travel Scooter vs. Polaris (kiddie) 4-Wheelers

Thank God for the Veterans Administration! I know a lot of veterans don't exactly feel that way, but I sure do. Not only did they provide me with my WalkAide electrical stimulation device for the drop foot on my right leg (otherwise known by my friend Ginny as the "zingy thingy"), but they also gave me an electric scooter. I cannot describe the freedom this scooter allows me, from being able to actually go to the mall to visiting the zoo and museums with our kids.

This, however, was an unexpected benefit. For Christmas, my in-laws gave our boys two battery-powered ATVs. They top out at 5 mph, but with boys being boys, I think they manage to squeeze out at least 1 mph extra during their outings in our very slightly rural Tucson neighborhood. My scooter is advertised to top out at 8 mph, and what better way to test the capabilities of these machines than to race my children?

I won't lie; this was a heck of a lot of fun! I just love that I can be a part of family walks, and now ATV rides around the neighborhood.


  1. My husband and I just bought this Go Go Elite scooter for me yesterday and your post gave me a lot of hope! I too was able to go on a family walk with my 2 and 3 year old boys. It felt like a defeat to admit that I needed to buy this to navigate life with EDS/ POTS (chronic health condition) but it was fun to let the boys take turns riding with me and on their bikes. Thanks for the post and the hope that I can fall and rise again!
    Jenna Heise
    Austin Texas

  2. What speed do you think it's safe for our children ? I got a 6 years old kid. And I'm hesitating between some electric scooters in this site:
