Sunday, January 19, 2014

Good Things Also Happen in Threes

January 14th was a pretty incredible day. Not because it was sunny and cool--ideal conditions for having a good MS day--but because it was just one of those days where lots of good things happened. I had been looking forward to this day already because I would be attending the State of the State Luncheon, where AZ Governor Jan Brewer would be giving a big speech in front of roughly 400 fellow attendees. I was getting a big nervous because the Hilton resort that was hosting the luncheon is large, and I had a feeling I was going to have to navigate the crowds and banquet area with my scooter. I did, but it all worked out. I got a seat at the back of the room, where I was able to park the scooter against the wall only a couple of steps from my table. There was a LOT of standing up, for ovations, the Anthem, prayer, etc., and fortunately the people at my table were understanding when I only stood up for the National Anthem.

Later in the day, I got a really great contract offer from a major media outlet, and my go-to course on Mexico's drug war was approved for certification by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board, which means I can market it as training for which law enforcement officers will receive professional development credit. It's rare that I have this many wonderful things going on in the same 24-hour period, but it makes me feel really good about the hard work I put into my little business, and definitely helps me forget for a little while about my physical shortcomings.

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